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projekt:updateringar [2021/09/29 22:14] – added abstract of pontus' talk zeltophilprojekt:updateringar [2022/10/07 09:10] – added Pontus' talk, moved JDKap's talk to past zeltophil
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 ===== Upcoming ===== ===== Upcoming =====
-  * 2021-10-09, 18:00: **Update Computer Club: History and Not-So-Certain Future**\\ //Pontus Pihlgren (Update)//\\ At swedish universities, students organize in clubs for spare time activities like photography, sports, music and also computers! Update is the student computer club loosely connected to Uppsala UniversityWe started out in 1983 around what was then new shiny computers and have evolved into caretaker of the old and preciousWe have kept the very DECSYSTEM 2060 around which the club was formed as well as a VAX 8650, PDP-12a running PDP-11/70 and many other thingsThe club is creeping up on its 40th birthday and we would like to present a retrospective with anecdotes and trivia. The future is uncertain as the university department paying for our rooms is moving and will no longer be able to accomodate UpdateWhat will the next chapter for this old club be? And how can you help us?\\ Note: This talk is a contribution to the [[|Vintage Computing Festival Berlin 2021]] and therefore happens **one hour earlier than our usual time. The link for participation is also different** and will be added soonSee also [[|our online exhibition]] at the event.+  * 2022-10-09, 14:00: **Who am I? CPUID on the PDP-8**\\ //Pontus Pihlgren (Update)//\\ Portable software must adapt to peculiarities of the target platformsEven variations within "compatible" family of computers may require specific codeBut how does a program identify which machine is executing it? In this presentation we will dissect, line by line, a subroutine written by the late Charles Lasner (CJL) as part of the Kermit implementation for the PDP-8 family of computers. The subroutine, "MACHINE"is capable of identifying all DEC PDP-8 modelsSome familiarity with programming will benefit the listener, but the presentation includes the basics of PDP-8 assembly and the level should be approachable to most.\\ Please note that this talk is given as part of the [[ |Vintage Computing Festival Berlin 2022]] this coming weekend, **the time and place for watching the lecture stream are different than usual**.\\ Stream:\\ Q&A
 ===== Past ===== ===== Past =====
-  * 2021-04-10, 19:00: **Get to know the PDP-8 through emulation**\\ //Pontus Pihlgren (Update)//\\ An emulator is program that pretends to be computer different from the one the emulator is executing on. This allows execution of software intended for a physical computer that you do not have. In this talk Pontus will explain the basics by implementing a fully working PDP-8 emulator and explaining each instruction and feature along the wayThe end result is working emulator in less than 1000 lines of C codeAnd hopefully you will walk away with both an understanding of the classic PDP-8 computer and emulation.\\ [[|Website with slides and links to code]] +  * 2022-09-10, 19:00: **How (not) to do public open WiFi**\\ //Jan-Daniel Kaplanski (German Red Cross)//\\ With increased refugee numbers, an unprecedented high demand for the possibility of communication with the remaining family members left home arose, rendering the previous solution insufficient. That previous solution was based on one WiFi AP and one repeater each per building, connected to 50 Mbit/s DL/UL synchronous optical fibre network via an external VPN provider to ensure network separation with the company’s staff network. The aim of this project was to provide new fast solution with its separate external connection, by building a separate network from the ground up. This is an ongoing endeavour, which has currently reached its test phase with three operational APs across two buildings and eight network switches across six buildings, more to follow. 
-  * 2021-05-08, 19:00: **Forth: from the minicomputer to the microcontroller**\\ //Jan Bramkamp (CCCHB)//\\ Forth is an almost esoteric programming language in the eyes of most modern programmers, but still worth learning if only to expand your horizonOn modern microcontrollers the strengths that made Forth stand out in on 1970s minicomputers are relevant once again: fast enough executionlow worst case latencyfull control over the system, powerful metaprogramming, and interactive development. This presentation will show how to overcome the initially near vertical learning curve and get the Mecrisp Stellaris Forth system running on a STM32 microcontroller without breaking the bankPrior exposure to microcontrollers or assembler is helpful, but not requiredOnce the Forth system is running we will use it to explore either the hardware it'running on or its implementation and available implementation tradeoffs.\\ {{2021-05-08_forth_from_the_minicomputer_to_the_microcontroller.pdf|Slides}}, [[|demo code]] +  * 2022-07: No Updatering because of [[projekt:mini-conference|mini-conference]] on 2022-07-16 
-  * 2021-06-12, 19:00: **The Oldenburg Computer Museum – Rearing and Care**\\ //Thiemo Eddiks (Oldenburg Computer Museum)//\\ The Oldenburg Computer Museum (OCM) is a German computer museum founded in 2008 and run by volunteers. This talk presents a historical outline of the founding of the OCMFrom building up the collection to opening the first exhibition to founding the supporting association and moving to the current premises – and the professionalisation that goes with itThiemo Eddiks presents the didactic conceptexplains the museum work in the team and gives insights into and outlooks on current projectsIn addition, he talks about problems associated with running museum as hobby. \\ [[|Website]], [[|YouTube channel]] +  * 2022-06-11, 19:00: **Lightning talks**\\ In five-minute talks Update members present their projects and interestsIf you also want to give lightning talk please send the title of your talk to <>.\\ //Bjarni Juliusson//: Fun with a CRT and the R6545 CRT controller\\ <del>//Andreas Lindmark//Minizinc</del>\\ //David Klaftenegger//: Locking and lock-free data structures\\ //Anke Stüber//: Why you should come to BornHack\\ //Anke Stüber//: Building a new website for UCF\\ //Michael Grunditz//: RISC OS\\ //Pontus Pihlgren//: What is this thing? Random items I found in my garage\\ //Angelo Papenhoff//: VR computer museum 
-  * 2021-07-10, 19:00: **How I ported Space Invaders to a video game console from 1978**\\ //Bjarni Juliusson (Update)//\\ Bjarni walks us through his recent port of the arcade classic to the Philips Videopac, a second-generation video game consoleHe explains the hardware limitations and shows tricks used to get around them — unlike in the arcade machine there is no frame buffer, and the functionality of the hardware sprites is severely constrained on the VideopacThe development of the port was done on real hardware with a home-made USB-connected game cartridge+  * 2022-05-14, 19:00: **The Danish Data History Association is on the move …**\\ //Michael Ørnø (DDHF)//\\ We, the Danish Data History Association (Dansk Datahistorisk Forening), were founded more than 20 years ago and have primarily lived (quietly) underground in a cellar in the outskirts of CopenhagenIn 2020 the municipality of Ballerupwho were our hostsdecided to use the approx1000 m² for other purposes than usTwo years later – in February 2022 – we had a "grand" opening of our new experimental data museum with a 600 m² exhibition. What happened? And what'the plan moving forward?\\ {{2022-05-14_the_danish_data_history_association.pdf|Slides}}, [[|website]] 
-  * 2021-08-1419:00: **The Whirlwind I**\\ //Angelo Papenhoff (Humboldt University of Berlin)//\\ The Whirlwind was a computer of the first generation built at the servomechanisms lab at MIT. It was the first computer designed to be a highly reliable part of a systemand to be controlled in real time, rather than be a programmable calculator for scientific research. Its interactive nature directly started a tradition of computer engineering at MIT which includes the TX-0TX-2 and DEC's PDP line of minicomputersIts role in a simulated air defense system led to the development of the AN/FSQ-7 computer, the center piece of the SAGE systemIn my talk I will give the historical context in which Whirlwind was designed and builtexplain its architecture and block diagramsgo into how it was built and how it evolved over its lifetime, and of course show some simple demos in my emulator. Those who want to stick around for bit longer are encouraged to join me in a little hands-on hacking session where we look at some original code, but also write our own to get feeling for what programming the Whirlwind is like.\\ {{2021-08-14_project_whirlwind.pdf|Slides}}, [[|code]]+  * 2022-04-09, 19:00: **A tour of Update's new premises**\\ //Bjarni Juliusson, Anke Stüber (Update)//\\ In December and January 2021/2022 Update moved out of the Uppsala University IT department's basement into rooms of its own (thanks again to all our volunteers who put in a huge effort!)The new premises offer 150 m² of space for Update'collection and activities, with a dedicated area for exhibitions. What has happened since the move? With this online tour we invite you to take a peek into our new home and at what we've been working on in the last couple of months. We will give you an insight into current and future projects and show off some of our collection items. 
 +  * 2022-03-1220:00: **Freeing the SNESticle in just 25 years**\\ //Johannes Holmberg (Update)//\\ I tried this one weird trick to run Super Nintendo games on my GamecubeYou won't believe what happened next! The SNESticle Liberation Project is an effort to extract 25-year-old SNES emulator from Gamecube game. Why is it interesting, and how does it work? A not too deep dive into Gamecube reverse engineering, SNES development, and ancient emulation scene history.\\ NoteThis talk happens **one hour later than our usual time**.\\ {{2022-03-12_freeing_the_snesticle.pdf|Slides}}, [[|website]] 
 +  * 2022-02-12, 19:00: **Road Warrior – 30 Years of Mobile Computing and Wireless Network Evolution**\\ //Martin Sauter (VCFB)//\\ From expensive voice calls in cars for the rich to affordable global high speed mobile Internet access in the pocket of everyoneThe last 30 years have seen a tremendous technical evolution and this talk focuses on the devices and networks that have come and gone over the years and how they have changed the way I work and live.\\ {{2022-02-12_30_years_of_mobile_computing_and_wireless_network_evolution.pdf|Slides}} 
 +  * //2021-11 to 2022-01: No Updateringarwe are busy moving!// 
 +  * 2021-10-09, 18:00: **Update Computer Club: History and Not-So-Certain Future**\\ //Pontus Pihlgren (Update)//\\ At Swedish universitiesstudents organize in clubs for spare time activities like photographysportsmusic and also computers! Update is the student computer club loosely connected to Uppsala UniversityWe started out in 1983 around what was then new shiny computers and have evolved into caretaker of the old and preciousWe have kept the very DECSYSTEM 2060 around which the club was formed as well as a VAX 8650PDP-12, a running PDP-11/70 and many other things. The club is creeping up on its 40th birthday and we would like to present retrospective with anecdotes and trivia. The future is uncertain as the university department paying for our rooms is moving and will no longer be able to accomodate UpdateWhat will the next chapter for this old club be? And how can you help us?\\ Note: This talk is a contribution to the [[|Vintage Computing Festival Berlin 2021]] and therefore happens **one hour earlier than our usual time**See also [[|our online exhibition]] at the event.\\ [[|Recording]], {{2021-10-09_update_computer_club_history_and_future.pdf|slides}}
   * 2021-09-11, 19:00: **The evolution of TECO and EMACS – hands-on demo**\\ //Lars Brinkhoff (ICtech)//\\ The Emacs text editor has long been an important tool among programmers, and has a long and rich history.  I will talk about the development of the TECO and Emacs line of editors throughout history. The emphasis is on practical demonstration of programs found through software archaeology.  True to form, the bulk of the presentation will be broadcast using ancient technology.   * 2021-09-11, 19:00: **The evolution of TECO and EMACS – hands-on demo**\\ //Lars Brinkhoff (ICtech)//\\ The Emacs text editor has long been an important tool among programmers, and has a long and rich history.  I will talk about the development of the TECO and Emacs line of editors throughout history. The emphasis is on practical demonstration of programs found through software archaeology.  True to form, the bulk of the presentation will be broadcast using ancient technology.
 +  * 2021-08-14, 19:00: **The Whirlwind I**\\ //Angelo Papenhoff (Humboldt University of Berlin)//\\ The Whirlwind was a computer of the first generation built at the servomechanisms lab at MIT. It was the first computer designed to be a highly reliable part of a system, and to be controlled in real time, rather than be a programmable calculator for scientific research. Its interactive nature directly started a tradition of computer engineering at MIT which includes the TX-0, TX-2 and DEC's PDP line of minicomputers. Its role in a simulated air defense system led to the development of the AN/FSQ-7 computer, the center piece of the SAGE system. In my talk I will give the historical context in which Whirlwind was designed and built, explain its architecture and block diagrams, go into how it was built and how it evolved over its lifetime, and of course show some simple demos in my emulator. Those who want to stick around for a bit longer are encouraged to join me in a little hands-on hacking session where we look at some original code, but also write our own to get a feeling for what programming the Whirlwind is like.\\ {{2021-08-14_project_whirlwind.pdf|Slides}}, [[|code]]
 +  * 2021-07-10, 19:00: **How I ported Space Invaders to a video game console from 1978**\\ //Bjarni Juliusson (Update)//\\ Bjarni walks us through his recent port of the arcade classic to the Philips Videopac, a second-generation video game console. He explains the hardware limitations and shows tricks used to get around them — unlike in the arcade machine there is no frame buffer, and the functionality of the hardware sprites is severely constrained on the Videopac. The development of the port was done on real hardware with a home-made USB-connected game cartridge.
 +  * 2021-06-12, 19:00: **The Oldenburg Computer Museum – Rearing and Care**\\ //Thiemo Eddiks (Oldenburg Computer Museum)//\\ The Oldenburg Computer Museum (OCM) is a German computer museum founded in 2008 and run by volunteers. This talk presents a historical outline of the founding of the OCM. From building up the collection to opening the first exhibition to founding the supporting association and moving to the current premises – and the professionalisation that goes with it. Thiemo Eddiks presents the didactic concept, explains the museum work in the team and gives insights into and outlooks on current projects. In addition, he talks about problems associated with running a museum as a hobby. \\ [[|Website]], [[|YouTube channel]]
 +  * 2021-05-08, 19:00: **Forth: from the minicomputer to the microcontroller**\\ //Jan Bramkamp (CCCHB)//\\ Forth is an almost esoteric programming language in the eyes of most modern programmers, but still worth learning if only to expand your horizon. On modern microcontrollers the strengths that made Forth stand out in on 1970s minicomputers are relevant once again: fast enough execution, low worst case latency, full control over the system, powerful metaprogramming, and interactive development. This presentation will show how to overcome the initially near vertical learning curve and get the Mecrisp Stellaris Forth system running on a STM32 microcontroller without breaking the bank. Prior exposure to microcontrollers or assembler is helpful, but not required. Once the Forth system is running we will use it to explore either the hardware it's running on or its implementation and available implementation tradeoffs.\\ {{2021-05-08_forth_from_the_minicomputer_to_the_microcontroller.pdf|Slides}}, [[|demo code]]
 +  * 2021-04-10, 19:00: **Get to know the PDP-8 through emulation**\\ //Pontus Pihlgren (Update)//\\ An emulator is a program that pretends to be a computer different from the one the emulator is executing on. This allows execution of software intended for a physical computer that you do not have. In this talk Pontus will explain the basics by implementing a fully working PDP-8 emulator and explaining each instruction and feature along the way. The end result is a working emulator in less than 1000 lines of C code. And hopefully you will walk away with both an understanding of the classic PDP-8 computer and emulation.\\ [[|Website with slides and links to code]]
projekt/updateringar.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/20 12:00 by zeltophil

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